Contribution by: Paola Andrea Gomez

Uploaded: 3rd, November, 2021
Parkinson’s, a disease that affects brain function.
The human brain has millions of cells that help us control movement and coordination throughout our body, they use a brain chemical called dopamine to help control muscle movement.
This disease is a chronic and degenerative disorder in one of the parts of the brain that controls our motor system, this chronic and neurodegenerative pathology is the most frequent after Alzheimer’s. It is unknown what the origin of the disease is or what may cause its appearance, there are some theories that try to explain what could be the triggers of neurological deterioration, but all of them are only advances that have not been able to effectively demonstrate the main causes.
The first symptoms manifested are very mild, but they can indicate alarm signs to the patient since this silent disease with the passage of time becomes more noticeable. The initial symptoms are exhaustion, pain in the joints and difficulty in making movements, in some cases the calligraphy tends to be like a child starting to write, it becomes small and irregular. For 80% of patients, these symptoms only appear on the right or left part of the body and then generalize, another aspect that may be more noticeable is the change in character or mood and usually irritability or depression. without apparent cause they begin to manifest. This symptomatic picture can last a long time before the classic or typical signs that confirm the development of the disease begin.
For Paola Gomez