Contribution by: Paola Andrea Gomez

Uploaded: 21st, August, 2020
The acquisition of skills that is observed in the child continuously during childhood is called psychomotor development. And it is directly linked to the maturation of your brain, its base, the medulla, nerves corresponding to the structure of the nervous system. In relation to learning and his discovery of himself and the world around him.
That is why each child is unique and their development is linked to their environment, genetic potential and of course their character. It is very important before starting an early stimulation, to carry out a good follow-up on their health and physical conditions, therefore every child should have a pediatric orientation of their development.
Since psychomotor development is linked from the development of the embryo and the fetus, at this moment is where the nervous system is formed, its nerve cells multiply as connections to the complex neural communication system. For this reason, a regular visit is always important from the moment of gestation.
Fulfilling the above, we can initiate a good stimulation plan in psychomotor development according to the individual need of each child, whether they are with “normal” psychomotor development or with some difficulties in their abilities.
For Paola Gomez